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12 The most appreciated souvenirs for folks back home are the local snack foods. There’s always a plethora of local sweets and desserts at Hua Hin’s night markets, along with lots of handicrafts, inexpensive clothing and fashion accessories.

13 Have a slice of paradise. Pick a luxurious base for your Hua Hin adventure, like an Evason pool villa. No fig leaves required! Here, you are truly mistress of all you survey, and can swim wearing no more than a pair of goggles in your private pool.

14 On that note, why not bubble bath in the moonlight after your skinny dip? To conserve water, make sure you’re not alone. Just keep your voices down, will you?

15 Get pampered. Has anyone ever complained of too many spa sessions? Experience what a difference professional masseurs can make with their nimble fingers, strong arms and great technique at The Evason Hua Hin Resort & Spa.

16 Rent a scrambler, pack a picnic and head for Namtok Pa La U waterfalls, 63 kilometres inland along highway 3219. It’s a bit of a ride, but worth it. You pass meandering creeks, verdant gardens and walk among hundreds of butterflies. It’s as if you’re in an enchanted place. Higher up, find a sizeable rock and spread your picnic. Breathtaking.

17 Watch the birdies. The Sam Roi Yot National Park to the south of Hua Hin, with its limestone mountains, mangrove swamps and beaches are a sanctuary for migratory birds and heaven for ardent bird watchers.

18 While you’re there, be sure to visit Hat Laem Sala, a short boat ride up from the park office. This is where you’ll find the Tham Phraya Nakhon cave. It has a hole in the ceiling from which a shaft of light reaches in, illuminating a beautiful pavilion and miraculous garden. Being there is like walking into a LOTR-type magical setting.

19 Go fishing. Hua Hin is a fishing town after all. It’s actually quite fun. No need to handle worm baits if you’re queasy. Shrimp and squid are easier for beginners. Beware, though. Once you’ve had the thrill of a bite, you’ll be smitten.

20 If you’ve always wondered about how it feels to ride a trishaw but felt stupid doing it back home, do it in Hua Hin. It’s a whole lot more scenic too.

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