MOST woman plan their wedding long before they meet their lifetime partner. From a very young age, we have been exposed to fairytale weddings where the ceremony was the most talked-about event in the village. And what about that dress? What we were not told was that marriage (the hard part) comes after a wedding (the fun part).
If you think that wedding and marriage are one and the same, you are sadly mistaken. Have you ever thought about the following?
Why is the pharse, "Love and marriage" and not "Love and wedding"? Why is it called married life and not wedded life? Why is it called Marriage Preparation Course and not Wedding Preparation Course? Why is it called the Institution Of Marriage and not the Institution Of Wedding? The list just goes on.
In a recent survey done by the Ministry of Community Developmwnt, it stated that Singaporean couples were more concerned about their wedding ceremony than they were about sharing their life with someone new. It is sad to think that the pomp and pageantry of a wedding- which lasts a day -takes precedence over a lifetime of togetherness.
Do this quiz to see if you do knoe the difference between a wedding and a marriage.
1. As soon as he proposed, you...
a. called your tailor and asked her to go ahead and sew that wedding dress you commissioned her to do two years ago.
b. called your mother to break the good news to her and to seek her advice on the next step.
2. As soon as he put that ring on your finger, your first thought was...
a. "if the diamond is so small that means we'll probably hove a small wedding This is not what I had dreamt about all my life".
b. "I can't believe 1rn about to shore my life with this sweet, sweet man".
3. When planning the wedding you...
a. did everything from choosing the invitation cords to the wedding coke.
b. Made sure your fionc6 was there at every appointment, you even let him choose what flower he wonted on his boutonniere.
4. One evening while having dinner, you caught a glance of him in a pensive mood and you thought to yourself..
a. "Oh my God he's going to get bold very soon and his paunch is getting bigger. Must get him on a starvation diet".
b. "I'm going to look forward to growing old with this man".
5. Your church insists that you both attend a marriage preparation course. Your reaction is one of. .
a. horror because you can't see beyond the wedding day and that living together is just like living with your family.
b. great relief because you'll need all the advice you can get about learning how to live with another person.
6. Setting up home to you means...
a. you can finally get that five-room HDB flat
b. you can finally shore a life with someone else and you look forward to turning it into a home.
7. While saying your vows, you...
a. hesitated when it come to saying his name, because you were distracted. The floral arrangement at the altar was not what you wanted and that ruined your wedding.
b. surprised him by composing your own vows,
8. When the wedding was over, all you could think of was...
a. "Geez, what am I going to do now that I have nothing to plan?"
b. 'I'm so relieved it is oil over, now I con concentrate on adjusting my life from living as one to two".
9. Have you discussed the upbringing up of kids, such as the child's religious beliefs, to who will discipline him?
a. Nah. No need for that. You'll just go with the flow.
b. It had all been sorted out when we attended the Marriage Preparation Course
10. When budgeting for the wedding you...
a .just want to spend all yours and his savings 'cos you wont to throw the biggest bash ever.
b. make sure there's enough set aside for rainy days when you and your husband might need the money
11. Six months before the wedding, your fiance gets laid off from work. This means that your wedding plans are affected. What would you do?
a. Borrow some money from your father and the bank and go ahead with the wedding. You'll worry about paying for it later.
b. You postpone the wedding so that there's time for him to find another job. You wont to start life together on a comfortable financial footing - not in debt.
Your main concern is planning and preparing for the wedding. This has been your obsession since you were a little girl. As you got older, your planning took over your every waking, breathing moment. While dating, you were not so concerned if this man will make a good father or whether he will be a great companion as you grow old together.
In fact, your partner never played a prominent role in your life. Right now all your conversation centres on the wedding day itself. Hav you both will be talking about after your wedding?
You understand the difference between a wedding and a marriage. As you grew up, you somehow managed to get the idea of the perfect wedding out of your head and concentrate your efforts on finding a suitable man who could give you a marriage made in heaven.
To you, a wedding is just a formality to get it all legalised, whereas marriage is the part you know will take a lot out of you as you try to adjust to life as a couple. With this right attitute, you know your married life is going to be fine. In other words, you look forward to growing old with him.