Work That Image! It’s what you know, and not how you look, that matters. Still, looking cheap, weird or just plain inappropriate could cost you miles in the corporate rat race?
Not that you bear any resemblance to disposable undies, but would you pay for a pack (the expensive type) with torn wrapping? Hell, no! So you agree then, that appearances are important and your appearance matters to those who matter (they who pay). A rabid sense of empowerment, seductive fashion ads, limited budgets and a refusal to accept that men have different attitudes towards dressing, have lulled many women into thinking that a laissez faire attitude toward dressing in the workplace is OK. However, the enlightened (and spiffily dressed) have accepted that people are paid to represent their professions/companies, and not themselves. In other words, the focus of dressing for work is not to express your personality; it’s to project a professional image that will increase your income and career opportunities. You Are What You Eat Who Decides What’s Right? Some traditional professions like banking and law project a distinct dignity and are thus predisposed toward the suited individual. However, the relationship-building interactions of teachers, property agents and sales people, encourage more relaxed attire to reflect a non-threatening approachability. Creative jobs such as advertising and journalism probably allow the most room for personalisation. Corporate Culture Is it casual every day or just casual Friday at your company? Take the cue from your bosses and peers. After all, you were hired to be part of an existing team so any attempts to set yourself apart could be taken negatively. Small-minded as it sounds, people are visual creatures who look for tangible signals. Expected Audience Who do you meet in your line of work? You are more likely to get the reaction you want if you give your audience what they expect. Lawyers can charge a high premium for their services because clients expect them to be more than mere mortals; so crumpled clothes and chipped nails just don’t cut it. Navigating Dress Codes Suits Polyester Colours Suits Polyester Accessories Hair & Makeup What About Personality? To be trulycomfortable, your work wear should allow some self-expression but it shouldn’t make you stick out like a sore thumb. Pundits concur that moderation is a reliable guide. For instance, the avid mountain-climber could opt for that brooch styled after a carabina, rather than those clunky Timberlands. While body-piercing and large tattoos are completely justifiable (at home), they’re not worth it if they get in the way of how you’d like people to perceive you. Unfair as it seems, those who insist on marching to their own drumbeat may do so amidst the echoes of bells… ringing the corporate death knell. After all, you don’t want your bosses to think you’re more concerned with who you are and where you’re going after work, than with what you are in the office. So you’re turning up your nose to the idea that appearance in the workplace counts, because you’re a living example of “rags to riches”. True enough, many companies may not care about your VPL as long as you deliver. But brains coupled with style are a killer combination, so why let someone else beat you to it? |